Sponsor A Child

Living Hope receives no ongoing government funding so we rely entirely on the generous donations from people like you to help us create a better life for children and families in Zambia.

Children In Need Of Sponsorship

Jessica Nanyangwe

Jessica is 2 1/2 years old and was born with a manageable medical condition called Sickle Cell. Each week Jessica needs medication costing k80 ($11.50) and a high quality diet, without which she suffers complications such as seizures and stroke. Jessica’s father abandoned the family when he learned that he had a sick baby, leaving her Mum, Esther, to raise Jessica and her 4 older siblings. 
We have already sourced sponsorship to empower Esther with a small business so that she can feed, house and clothe her children, but the medication and diet for Jessica are still too much for Esther to manage. 

Can you help us to help this little girl live a full and healthy life? $20 a month will cover the medication and additional food needed to help Jessica thrive.

Reference: 158. Jessica Nanyangwe
Medical Cost: $20 per month

Jackson Kasweka

Meet Jackson. Jackson grew up in the Village with his Mum and 5 siblings after their father abandoned them. Life has been tough, but in 2017 Jackson passed Grade 12 with great results.

Quietly spoken, Jackson doesn’t show how intelligent he is until you really engage him.  In January, on partial sponsorship, Jackson started a Diploma in Registered Nursing. He decided that he wants to help others like he has been helped. 

$2100 per year covers all tuition fees, (paid per semester). And $900 additional covers all living and study expenses – rent, food, research, and practicals ($75 per month).

Reference: 145. Jackson Kaswka
Sponsorship Cost: $75 per month

Mulunda Mwila

Mulunda started a 3 year diploma in Physiotherapy in January 2019.

From an extremely vulnerable home, Mulunda was sponsored through his primary and secondary school and achieved great results.
As a young man who has suffered to survive, he has decided that he wants to help others. Mulunda chose Physiotherapy he wants to be able to help those who are lame or born with disabilities. Physio will allow him to make a difference in his own nation. Mulunda is partially sponsored, so we need some additional sponsorship to get him through his course. 
His fees are approx. $1100 per semester. Living expenses are approx. $90 per month – including rent, food, living and study expenses.

Reference: 8.Mulunda
Sponsorship Cost: $90 per month

Sandra Mulenga

Sandra was orphaned at 14 years old and went to live with her Uncle and his family. Last born of 5, life has been tough for Sandra and her siblings, but despite that last year Sandra completed Grade 12. 

Now, Sandra dreams of becoming a Nurse. With several acceptance letters to study Nursing we know that the schools are confident that Sandra will do well.
With partial sponsorship available to Sandra we need some additional. $1000 per semester covers University fees and expenses. And $90 per month covers rent, food, living and study expenses.

Reference: 27. Sandra Mulenga
Sponsorship Cost: $90 per month

How to make a Donation towards a Child's education...

Tax Deductible Donation

Living Hope Zambia have partnered with Hands and Feet Inc to enable our sponsors to donate direct funds to projects in a tax effective manner, supporting our base aim of helping those in need.

Hands and Feet Inc charge a 10% administration and international transfer cost.

Reference: LHZ001 followed by the childs file number (if sponsoring a child’s education) and the child/project name.

For example, LHZ001 45.Gift

Direct Deposit to Living Hope

If you are not concerned about  tax deductible donating you can direct deposit straight into Living Hope Zambia’s bank account and start helping those in need today.

Account Name: David Ross Chapman

BSB # 014 557

Account # 590494679

Reference: LHZ001 followed by the childs file number (if sponsoring a child’s education) and the child/project name.  For example, LHZ001 45.Gift

Note – This is for non-tax deductible donations.

Where does my money go?

Money received for sponsorship is used primarily, unless otherwise arranged with you, to help support your sponsored child through their education.  The vast majority of money received goes towards paying school fees & school expenses (such as PTA or exam fees), purchasing uniforms, or purchasing stationery supplies.

We conduct school and home visits of all our sponsored children when needed and regularly host many of our sponsored children and/or their families for counselling, support, discipleship and general visits. Your sponsorship may help to cover the transport costs of us caring for your sponsored child in this way.

We may also utilise a small portion of money received to help us with our accountability and record keeping, and in order to provide you with current information about your sponsored child, new photos and good updates.

If we have made arrangements with you, your sponsored child and their family may also receive monthly payments to help cover living costs of food, clothing, rent and other home expenses.  This is not usually  included.